Approved Technologies

The SAFETY Act provides two levels of liability protections for approval: Designation and Certification. By obtaining either Designation or Certification, companies obtain a level of legal protection in case their technology is ever put to use during a terrorist attack. See below for a list of approved technology certifications.


Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, et al.

Approved: March 24, 2025 | Expires: October 31, 2030

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, et al. provide the World Trade Center Campus Security Assessment, Design, Architectural, and Engineering Services (the Technology). The Technology consists of risk assessments, design elements, and architectural and engineering services used to incorporate security-related design features into building designs for the World Trade Center Campus in New York City, New York.

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, et al.

Approved: March 24, 2025 | Expires: October 31, 2030

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, et al. provide the World Trade Center Campus Security Assessment, Design, Architectural, and Engineering Services (the Technology). The Technology consists of risk assessments, design elements, and architectural and engineering services used to incorporate security-related design features into building designs for the World Trade Center Campus in New York City, New York.

Boeing Distribution, Inc.

Approved: March 13, 2025 | Expires: November 30, 2030

The Boeing Company, a Delaware corporation, provides Tier 3 Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) Services (the Technology). The Technology provides shipping services that are currently certified under the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) CTPAT program, and that are validated by CBP as exceeding CTPAT minimum security criteria to perform at a Tier 3 level.

Boeing Distribution, Inc.

Approved: March 11, 2025 | Expires: November 30, 2030

Boeing Distribution, Inc. (the Boeing Company) provides Tier III Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) Services. The Technology provides shipping services that are currently certified under the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) CTPAT program, and that are validated by CBP as exceeding CTPAT minimum security criteria to perform at a Tier III level. The Technology also includes implementation of policies procedures which exceed the minimum security of the CTPAT program’s layered security model.

National Hockey League (NHL)

Approved: February 26, 2025 | Expires: February 28, 2030

National Hockey League (NHL), NHL Enterprises, L.P., NHL Enterprises, Inc., and NHL Interactive CyberEnterprises, LLC, provide NHL Arena Security Standards Program. The Technology is a comprehensive set of security standards and best practices for arena security at NHL events, supported by the NHL assessment and security training program. The Technology also includes development and update of the NHL Requirements for Arena Security and other security operations plans, policies, procedures, and recommendations provided to NHL Clubs and Arena Operators; the NHL Security Operations Center for intelligence analysis and dissemination; the processes for recruiting, screening, and training NHL personnel and vetting and selection of third-party consultants, who provide the Technology.

Ilitch Holdings, Inc. et al

Approved: February 19, 2025 | Expires: October 31, 2030

Ilitch Holdings, Inc. et al provide the Security Program and Security Design for Little Caesars Arena/Detroit Events Center (the Technology). The Technology is a complex security design and security program for the sporting, entertainment, and mixed-use complex, Little Caesars Arena/Detroit Events Center. The Technology combines a series of policies, procedures, and trained personnel with physical and electronic security measures. The Technology is deployed on a 24/7 basis.

Ilitch Holdings, Inc. et al

Approved: February 19, 2025 | Expires: October 31, 2030

Ilitch Holdings, Inc. et al provide the Security Program and Security Design for Little Caesars Arena/Detroit Events Center (the Technology). The Technology is a complex security design and security program for the sporting, entertainment, and mixed-use complex, Little Caesars Arena/Detroit Events Center. The Technology combines a series of policies, procedures, and trained personnel with physical and electronic security measures. The Technology is deployed on a 24/7 basis.

ASM Global, LLC

Approved: January 30, 2025 | Expires: February 28, 2030

ASM Global, LLC provides the ASM Global Security Program for the Caesars Superdome. The Technology is an integrated security program composed of physical and electronic security measures, policies and procedures, and personnel, designed to detect, deter, prevent, respond to and mitigate Acts of Terrorism and security threats against the Caesars Superdome.

Michael Stapleton Associates, Ltd., d/b/a MSA Security

Approved: January 09, 2025 | Expires: January 31, 2030

Michael Stapleton Associates, Ltd. provides Explosive Detection Canine (“EDC”) Teams. The Technology is single-purpose explosive detection canine teams comprised of one handler and one canine. It is deployed to Government and commercial customers to locate stationary explosives in vehicles, cargo, luggage, and boxes. The Technology includes the recruitment, hiring, and training of the employees providing these services. The Technology does not include deployment of armed security personnel; detection of person-borne explosives or crowd screening where detection is performed through use of a canine following explosive scents to distant or moving targets; actions initiated by the Seller’s clients after an initial canine alert on an object; or, emergency response procedures established by the Seller’s individual clients.

Fortior Solutions, LLC

Approved: January 08, 2025 | Expires: April 20, 2030

Fortior Solutions, LLC provides RAPIDGate® System. The Technology is an identification and access management program consisting of equipment, software, and support services for personnel entering secure facilities. The Technology combined identity assurance, background screening, smart credentials, biometrics, and electronic access control into a program that was purchased on a subscription basis. The Technology also includes training, maintenance, and replacement of the furnished equipment and software (including periodic software updates and upgrades), and customer service and technical support.