
Find the official SAFETY Act terms and definitions by searching the Glossary with keywords below.


Act of Terrorism
Any act that the Secretary of Homeland Security determines meets the requirements under subparagraph (b) of the Act, as such requirements are further defined and specified by the Secretary.

Requirements?(B) An act meets the requirements of this subparagraph if the act?
(i) is unlawful;
(ii) causes harm to a person, property, or entity, in the United States, or in the case of a domestic United States air carrier or a United States-flag vessel (or a vessel based principally in the United States on which the United States income tax is paid and whose insurance coverage is subject to regulation in the United States), in or outside the United States; and
(iii) uses or attempts to use instrumentalities, weapons or other methods designed or intended to cause mass destruction, injury or other loss to citizens or institutions of the United States.

Tester of content management.
Anti-Terrorism Technology.

ATT Renewal
SAFETY Act protections typically expire after 5 years on the date specified in the Developmental Testing and Evaluation Designation, Designation, or Certification letter. In order to continue receiving SAFETY Act coverage, applicants must apply for Renewal. This is known as an ATT Renewal.


Block Certification
The Secretary of Homeland Security or designee may issue a Block Certification at their discretion for an anti-terrorism technology (ATT) that meets established performance standards or defined technical characteristics. Sellers of technologies that are the subject of a Block Certification may submit a streamlined application to be afforded the liability protection available under the SAFETY Act.

Block Designation or Block Certifications ("Blocks")
The Secretary of Homeland Security or designee may issue a Block Designation or Block Certification at their discretion for an ATT that meets established performance standards or defined technical characteristics. Block Designations and Block Certifications will be published on the SAFETY Act website. Sellers of technologies that are the subject of a Block Designation and Block Certifications may submit a streamlined application to be afforded the liability protection available under the SAFETY Act.


The highest level of protection under the SAFETY Act. Certification affords a seller the protections of Designation as a Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology (QATT) and recognition as an "Approved Product for Homeland Security." Additionally, the seller of the QATT is eligible for a presumption that the government contractor defense will apply to all claims arising out of the deployment of the QATT with respect to an "act of terrorism." The successful assertion of this defense can potentially eliminate any liability on the part of the seller. Designation is a prerequisite for Certification.

Completion Notice
After an application is received, a completeness check is performed to determine if the Applicant has provided enough information for the application to move forward into a full evaluation. The Applicant will receive a Completion Notice in the form of an email notification that indicates if the application is "Complete" or "Incomplete."

A contour is either a continuing or one-time reporting requirement. The SAFETY Act recognizes two types of contours: Economic and Technical.


When a technology is designated as a Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology (QATT), the seller of the QATT is granted limited liability for all claims arising out of the deployment of the QATT with respect to an "act of terrorism."

Department of Homeland Security.

Developmental Testing & Evaluation Designation.

Data Universal Numbering System. A nine-digit number, issued by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), assigned to each business location in the D&B database, having a unique, separate, and distinct operation for the purpose of identifying them.


Economic Evaluation Administrator. The user with this role reviews completeness letters and insurance descriptions, performs QC checks on economic portions of documents, approves final documents (insurance content), and assigns EP roles for applications.

Economic Panelist. The user with this role is responsible for conducting an economic completeness check on an application and completing benchmark analysis.

Economic Process Coordinator. The user with this role is responsible for reviewing the Pre-application summary and determining an outcome for the Pre-application, as well as assigning and managing the submission of economic reviews.

Evaluation Reader
A user who has permissions to read evaluations.



Full Application
An application for Designation and/or Certification.


Government Contractor Defense. Shields contractors from tort liability for products manufactured for the Government in accordance with Government specifications, if the contractor warned the United States about any hazards known to the contractor but not to the Government.


Institute for Defense Analyses. A non-profit corporation that operates three federally funded research and development centers to provide objective analyses of national security issues, particularly those requiring scientific and technical expertise, and conduct related research on other national challenges.

Insurance Certification
Applicants receiving SAFETY Act protection are required to submit insurance information that verifies that the company has obtained and will maintain the insurance requirement specified in its Designation letter. Insurance certification should be on company letterhead, signed and dated by an employee of the protected company.


License Notice
A Notice of License is submitted to DHS from an applicant who intends to authorize a third-party to sell its SAFETY Act protected technology.


Modification Notice
A Notice of Modification is submitted to DHS from an applicant who has either made changes or plans to make changes to their Designated or Certified technology. Modifications might also include the addition of a seller of the technology. The Notice of Modification may additionally be used to petition the Department for a change in the insurance requirement.



North American Industry Classification System. The standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.


Notice of License

A Notice of License is submitted to DHS from an applicant who intends to authorize a third-party to sell its SAFETY Act protected technology.


Notice of Modification

A Notice of Modification is submitted to DHS from an applicant who has either made changes or plans to make changes to their Designated or Certified technology. Modifications might also include the addition of a seller of the technology. The Notice of Modification may additionally be used to petition the Department for a change in the insurance requirement.


Notice of Transfer

A Notice of Transfer is submitted to DHS when a new company will be selling a SAFETY Act protected technology.



Office of Management and Budget.



Office of SAFETY Act Implementation.



An application that a user completes prior to completing a full application for SAFETY Act protections. An applicant completes a pre-application to receive consultation regarding the chances of his/her anti-terrorism technology receiving SAFETY Act protections.


Procurement Official

A federal, state, or local government employee who wants to file a Procurement Pre-Qualification Request (PPQR).


Procurement Pre-Qualification Request (PPQR)

An application submitted by a federal, state, or local government employee to request streamlined protections for technologies to be procured under a specific contract or solicitation.



Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology.


Renewal of SAFETY Act Designation and Certification ("Renewals")

SAFETY Act Designations and Certifications can be renewed beginning 24 months prior to the date of expiration. The Forms and Info page contains information on how to Renew SAFETY Act protections.


Request for Information (RFI)

During the evaluation process, OSAI may require more information about your technology before making a final decision.


S&T Directorate

The Directorate for Science and Technology (S&T Directorate) is the primary research and development arm of DHS.



Support Anti-Terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2002. Subtitle G of Title VIII of the Homeland Security Act of 2002.



An approved DHS mark provided to companies with SAFETY Act protections for use in marketing materials. A mark will not be transmitted to a SAFETY Act protected company until a Terms of Use Agreement is submitted and approved by DHS.


Terms of Use Agreement

The Terms of Use Agreement allows companies with SAFETY Act protections to utilize a DHS approved SAFETY Act Mark in their marketing materials. Only a designated employee of the protected company(ies) may sign the Terms of Use Agreement. Further, the Terms of Use Agreement must be signed in its original form. Additions, addenda, or other modifications to the form are not allowed and will delay transmittal of the SAFETY Act Mark to your company.


Transfer Notice

A Notice of Transfer is submitted to DHS when a new company will be selling a SAFETY Act protected technology.