Approved Technologies

The SAFETY Act provides two levels of liability protections for approval: Designation and Certification. By obtaining either Designation or Certification, companies obtain a level of legal protection in case their technology is ever put to use during a terrorist attack. See below for a list of approved technology certifications.


Dow Chemical Corporation: Dow Chemical Facility Security Services

Approved: June 26, 2007 | Expires: July 31, 2012

The Dow Chemical Corporation provides The Dow Chemical Facility Security Services, a comprehensive set of services designed to enhance security and protect key assets. The Designation covers those Dow Chemical facilities where the Technology is deployed and that were determined by the Coast Guard to be compliant with the security guidelines established under the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002, P.L. 107-295, as implemented by 33 C.F.R. Part 105 (2007). Dow’s Technology includes security vulnerability assessments, protection of secure assets, protection of proprietary information and cyber security, emergency preparedness and response services, and involvement of local communities in the deployment of the Technology. It also includes and ongoing security and audit process.