Approved Technologies

The SAFETY Act provides two levels of liability protections for approval: Designation and Certification. By obtaining either Designation or Certification, companies obtain a level of legal protection in case their technology is ever put to use during a terrorist attack. See below for a list of approved technology certifications.


Equity Office Management, L.L.C.

Approved: August 06, 2018 | Expires: August 31, 2023

Equity Office Management, L.L.C. provides Willis Tower Security and Life Safety Services (the "Technology"). The Technology is a security management program designed to plan for and respond to emergencies, control access to, conduct visual and X-ray screening of packages and parcels entering, and provide for the evacuation of Willis Tower. The Technology also includes security and life safety training for tenants and security personnel; coordination with Federal, State, and local law enforcement; and, manuals, instruction, and other documentation.

Equity Office Management, L.L.C.

Approved: February 17, 2016 | Expires: August 31, 2018

Equity Office Management, L.L.C. provides Willis Tower Security and Life Safety Services (the “Technology”). The Technology is security and life safety services provided to the Willis Tower in Chicago, Illinois. The Technology comprises a security management program designed to plan for and respond to emergencies, control access to, screen packages and parcels entering, and provide for the evacuation of Willis Tower. Components of the Technology include physical security, security plans and procedures, emergency response, training and coordination with Federal, State, and local law enforcement. The Technology also includes security training for tenants and security personnel, coordination with Federal, State, and local law enforcement, and other documentation.