Approved Technologies

The SAFETY Act provides two levels of liability protections for approval: Designation and Certification. By obtaining either Designation or Certification, companies obtain a level of legal protection in case their technology is ever put to use during a terrorist attack. See below for a list of approved technology certifications.


International Council of Shopping Centers, Inc.

Approved: August 12, 2013 | Expires: September 30, 2018

The International Council of Shopping Centers, Inc. provides the Shopping Center Security Terrorism Awareness Training Program (the “Technology”). The Technology is a web-based “Awareness Level” anti-terrorism training course certified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) as FEMA course number AWR304-W. The course provides security personnel with increased awareness of the various facets of terrorism and criminal activity that could occur at a retail facility. The Technology does not provide operational training for response to terrorist events.