Approved Technologies

The SAFETY Act provides two levels of liability protections for approval: Designation and Certification. By obtaining either Designation or Certification, companies obtain a level of legal protection in case their technology is ever put to use during a terrorist attack. See below for a list of approved technology certifications.


Lauren Innovations, LLC

Approved: November 19, 2018 | Expires: November 30, 2023

Lauren Innovations, LLC provides NaviGate™ (the "Technology"). The Technology is a web and mobile-based crisis management portal that provides an organization with tools to meet emergency planning and response requirements. Documents such as maps and floor plans of a facility can be stored in the portal for access during tabletop exercises and in the event of an actual crisis. The Technology includes hosting services through a third-party provider. Users are responsible for conducting cybersecurity scans on material uploaded to the Technology.

Lauren Innovations, LLC

Approved: September 17, 2013 | Expires: October 31, 2018

Lauren Innovations, LLC provides NaviGate™ (the “Technology”). The Technology is a Web-based crisis management portal application for preventing, identifying, and deterring Acts of Terrorism and limiting the harm from such acts in a building or group of buildings. The Technology consists of online computer software tools for a facility to meet emergency planning and response requirements and to integrate the planning and response process with first responders pertaining to individual buildings. The Technology also includes hosting services through a third-party provider.

Lauren Innovations, LLC: NaviGate™

Approved: August 08, 2008 | Expires: September 30, 2013

Lauren Innovations, LLC provides NaviGate™. The Technology is a Web-based crisis management portal application for preventing, identifying, and deterring Acts of Terrorism. It can also limit the harm from such acts in a school campus environment. It consists of on-line computer software tools for use by school personnel and first responders. It also includes consulting services to support implementation and review of emergency operations plans.