Approved Technologies

The SAFETY Act provides two levels of liability protections for approval: Designation and Certification. By obtaining either Designation or Certification, companies obtain a level of legal protection in case their technology is ever put to use during a terrorist attack. See below for a list of approved technology certifications.


Northrop Grumman Security Systems, LLC

Approved: November 30, 2021 | Expires: December 31, 2026

Northrop Grumman Security Systems, LLC, provides Biological Detection Systems (BDS). The Technology is a biological pathogen point detection system that is configured to screen for the presence of Bacillus anthracis in mailrooms. The Technology also includes consumables, training, and maintenance services.

Northrop Grumman Security Systems, LLC

Approved: July 28, 2016 | Expires: August 31, 2021

Northrop Grumman Security Systems, LLC provides the Biological Detection System (“BDS” or the “Technology”). The Technology is a biological pathogen point detection system that is configured to screen for the presence of Bacillus anthracis in mailrooms. The Technology also includes consumables, training, and maintenance services.

Northrop Grumman Security Systems, LLC

Approved: October 19, 2012 | Expires: November 30, 2017

Northrop Grumman Security Systems, LLC, Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, and Northrop Grumman Corporation provide the Guardian™ System (the "Technology"). The Technology is an infrared countermeasures system designed to provide protection for aircraft from infrared-guided Man-Portable Air Defense Systems ("MANPADS"). The Technology also includes installation, training, and maintenance services.

Northrop Grumman Security Systems, LLC

Approved: July 29, 2011 | Expires: August 31, 2016

Northrop Grumman Security Systems, LLC provides the Biological Detection System (BDS). The Technology is a biological pathogen point detection system that is configured to screen for the presence of Bacillus anthracis in mailrooms. The Technology also includes training and maintenance.

Northrop Grumman Security Systems

Approved: February 01, 2011 | Expires: February 28, 2014

Northrop Grumman Security Systems, LLC provides WatchNet-3G. The Technology is a BioWatch Generation-3 candidate and includes an automated biological agent detector deployed in accordance with BioWatch Gen-3 Program test specifications issued by the Department of Homeland Security. The Technology also includes logistics support, preventative and corrective maintenance, training, installation and setup, teardown, data collection, and a secure data monitoring network with the ability to transmit data securely to remote locations.

Northrop Grumman Security Systems, LLC: Guardian System

Approved: April 05, 2007 | Expires: May 31, 2012

Northrop Grumman Security Systems, LLC, provides the Guardian System, a directional infrared countermeasures system that has been designed to protect aircraft from infrared-guided Man-portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS).

Northrop Grumman Security Systems, LLC: Biological Detection System

Approved: June 18, 2004 | Expires: June 30, 2012

Northrop Grumman Security Services’ Biological Detection System (BDS) is designed to screen mail for the presence of anthrax spores as it is processed on automated mail sorting equipment in mailrooms.