Approved Technologies

The SAFETY Act provides two levels of liability protections for approval: Designation and Certification. By obtaining either Designation or Certification, companies obtain a level of legal protection in case their technology is ever put to use during a terrorist attack. See below for a list of approved technology certifications.


XploSafe, LLC

Approved: December 20, 2013 | Expires: January 31, 2017

XploSafe, LLC provides XploSens (the “Technology”). The Technology is a screening liquid that allows first responders and emergency personnel to determine if suspicious powders contain explosives or explosive ingredients. It is a liquid-based nanoparticulate suspension in the form of inks or test strips designed to aid the rapid detection of improvised chlorate-based explosives; Sprengel explosives; strong oxidizers; peroxide -based explosives, including Triacetone Triperoxide ("TATP"), Hexamethylene Triperoxide Diamine ("HMTD"); hydrogen peroxide plastic explosives; and other explosive ingredients.